Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Amazing Race

Margot and Sarah rowed the most amazing race this morning, taking second place and qualifying for the A Final on Friday. Needless to say, coach Matt is over the moon. We are all so proud of them.

Can't think about the race without crying. WOW! Thanks so much everyone for your support.

More later, need to take a brief nap.


Julie Herrell said...

I am a Shumway from Arizona. I was so proud to here your daughter's name on the olympics. Good luck to her! Was happy to see her take 2nd.

Julie Herrell said...

I am a Shumway from Arizona. I was so proud to here your daughter's name on the olympics. Good luck to her! Was happy to see her take 2nd.

Unknown said...

OMG! Saw Margot row on TV this am. CONGRATULATIONS! I'm a cousin from Buffalo (maiden name Shumway -- we're all related). Imagine my surprise when they mentioned her name. I came right online to search for her. I will definitely follow her for the rest of the games and be cheering for her all the way.

Julie Herrell said...

I am a Shumway from Arizona. Loved hearing our name on TV on the olmypics. Was happy to see Margot take 2nd & hope she does great in her next race. Sorry to hear of you cancer. My mom had breast cancer last year & it was not a fun thing to go thru. She is a survivor & is cancer free.

Unknown said...

GO Margot!!! Congratulations on qualifying for the finals! The CVDP team is rooting for you, from here in San Antonio!